“Welcome To America” Pack
First United Methodist Church of Park Ridge 418 West Touhy Aveneue, Park Ridge, IL, United StatesIn conjunction with Exodus World Service, FUMC's Outreach Team is challenging the entire church to provide kitchen, bath, bedroom, cleaning items, food items and other essential supplies for a new...
Love Sunday
Please join us and the women of UWFaith in welcoming Candice Klopfenstein, who is our featured speaker during LOVE Sunday worship on February 16 at 9:30 AM. Candice is an...
Good Reads for February
Our next meeting will be Tuesday, Feb. 18 at 7:30 PM by zoom to discuss The Leavers by Lisa Ko. “In a time when immigration is a political issue, this novel...
Movie Night: “Will & Harper”
Please join the All Means All team for a screening of the film "Will & Harper" followed by a discussion.In this intimate portrayal of friendship, transition, and America, Will Ferrell...
“Mix & Mingle” Orientation
First United Methodist Church of Park Ridge 418 West Touhy Aveneue, Park Ridge, IL, United StatesCheck out "MIX & MINGLE," a First UMC social group of couples and single adults of ALL ages! It was started several years ago under the name "PAIRS AND SPARES",...
Sunday Night Supper
We are once again serving Sunday Night Suppers at Park Ridge Presbyterian Church and need your help! Volunteers are needed to donate uncooked meatloaf, assist with cooking at our church,...