Calendar of Events
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“Welcome To America” Pack
In conjunction with Exodus World Service, FUMC's Outreach Team is challenging the entire church to provide kitchen, bath, bedroom, cleaning items, food items and other essential supplies for a new refugee family or individual. Use the SignUpGenius link to select which items you intend to donate. REGISTRATION LINK: CONTACT WITH QUESTIONS: Amy Lane (
Love Sunday
Love Sunday
Please join us and the women of UWFaith in welcoming Candice Klopfenstein, who is our featured speaker during LOVE Sunday worship on February 16 at 9:30 AM. Candice is an award-winning children’s book author and mosaic artist. Through her writing and art, she desires to connect others with hope and beauty. Within her art practice,...
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Good Reads for February
Good Reads for February
Our next meeting will be Tuesday, Feb. 18 at 7:30 PM by zoom to discuss The Leavers by Lisa Ko. “In a time when immigration is a political issue, this novel puts a human face on a very complex situation. It tells the story of a woman who came to New York from China, created a...
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Movie Night: “Will & Harper”
Movie Night: “Will & Harper”
Please join the All Means All team for a screening of the film "Will & Harper" followed by a discussion.In this intimate portrayal of friendship, transition, and America, Will Ferrell and his close friend of thirty years decide to go on a cross-country road trip to explore a new chapter in their relationship. Pizza, popcorn...