Leaving A Legacy
The Ministry of Planned Giving of First United Methodist Church was established in 2002 for the purpose of providing friends and members opportunities to make charitable gifts to the Church. These gifts are intended for purposes which are not funded through the annual operating budget and help carry out the mission of the Church both today and for future generations.
The Ministry is comprised of the following members:
- Senior Pastor (non-voting)
- Trustee Representative
- Finance Committee Representative
- Administrative Council Representative
- Four at-large members
The duties of the Ministry of Planned Giving include encouraging and educating people about giving from accumulated assets; receiving, administering and investing gifts, including bequests and trusts; ensuring that donors’ designations are honored.
Both designated and undesignated gifts are managed by the Ministry of Planned Giving. The Ministry is overseen by the Board of Trustees.
The Ministry of Planned Giving is responsible for First United Methodist Church’s permanent endowment funds. A gift to one of the permanent endowment funds provides income in perpetuity for church ministry. The endowment principal is invested in one or more professionally managed funds of the United Methodist Foundation of Northern Illinois Conference. Our own Bob Campbell is a member of the Foundation’s Board of Directors and the Investment Committee.
Any undesignated gifts from wills, trusts or beneficiary nations will be distributed as follows:
- 50% to First United Methodist Church General Endowment Fund.
- 50% to current needs and ministries based on recommendation of the Ministry of Planned Giving.

Endowment Fund
Helping to Grow God’s Kingdom through Endowment Giving
The kingdom of God…is like a mustard seed, which…is the smallest of all the seeds on earth; Yet when it is sown it grows up and becomes the greatest of all shrubs, and puts forth large branches, so that the birds of the air can make nests in its shade.” – Mark 4:31-32
One person can make a tremendous difference in helping grow God’s kingdom on earth. Just as one seed grows into a plant that can bring life to many, the gifts we plant today can create life-giving blessings that endure. You can leave a legacy to present and future generations, helping grow the ministries of First Church. Through outright or deferred gifts, you will help our church bring life to many, for years to come.
What is the First United Methodist Church Endowment Fund?
Established in 1987, the Endowment Fund has provided members and friends opportunities to make charitable gifts, primarily through wills and trusts, to First Church that are a permanent endowment of financial support for the church and a living memorial to the donor. These funds are intended for purposes that are not a part of the church’s established programs funded through the annual operating budget of the church or the regular giving of its members.
A permanent endowment is a perpetual gift of income. The original gift is never spent by the church; the earnings that the endowment gift produces are used for ministry year after year. At First Church the Endowment Program is part of the Ministry of Planned Giving.
An endowment gift to First Church is a good way to say:
- We believe that God has a future with hope for the Lighthouse on the Ridge.
- We believe that all that we have is a trust from God.
- We want future generations to be able to delight in God’s grace revealed through First Church.
- In our lifetimes and beyond, we want to help grow God’s Kingdom on earth.
Endowment gifts can bear great blessings, for example:
- Funds to maintain our church’s facilities are available for not only emergency repairs, but also for preventative maintenance and capital improvements.
- Special mission projects and new ministries – which members had only dared to dream about – are part of our church’s identity and ongoing life.
- We’ve freed up our annual operating budget funds for growing the ministries that God is calling us to within our unique context.
First United Methodist Church of Park Ridge Endowment Funds
To learn more about endowment giving at First Church, please contact the pastor at 847.825.3144 or at office@parkridgeumc.org, or see a member of the Ministry of Planned Giving Team.