From many missions, one whole.
At First UMC, we seek to be faithful to where God is leading us. The five pathways by which we will be engaged in fruitful ministry are radical hospitality, passionate worship, intentional faith development, risk-taking mission and service, and extravagant generosity. Each of these ministry pathways is fueled by our church spirit of nurturing one another, welcoming all, empowering the team, and serving others. Our ministries are:

In-person worship every Sunday at 9:30 am, which is also shared on social media early Sunday afternoon. Each worship service experience includes time of reflection and prayer, Scripture readings, a powerful message, and singing. Our music is a blend of traditional Wesleyan hymns and contemporary praise songs. Open table Communion meal is offered on the first Sunday of each month. All are invited to help lead our services through singing and reading as liturgists. Plan your visit.
Our YouTube worship video channel

Faith Formation
Building disciples for Christ with educational programs for for children, youth, and adults. We are a multi-generational community with a commitment to lifelong spiritual growth.
For a brief overview of our programming, check out this summary.

Outreach is our faith in action beyond our church walls. This ministry expresses our love and concern through focused action consistent with United Methodist Social Principles, reaching out in God’s love to those in need. A variety of outreach projects provide opportunities for compassionate service at the same time nourishing our Christian connections and relationships: Sunday suppers, CWS Crop Walk, Exodus World Service, JFON, New Hope Food Pantry, Kids Above All, Avenues To Independence, Faith In Place, and more.

We believe that God desires wholeness for us all, an integration of faith and health: body, mind, and spirit. We encourage an understanding and care for human beings in light of their relationship to God, themselves, their families and the society in which they live. Activities include visiting with and supplying meals and transportation for the infirm, our Prayer Tree and Prayer Shawl ministries, and bereavement support.

United Women In Faith
Formerly known as United Methodist Women, we are a community seeking to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ, developing a creative supportive fellowship while expanding concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church. We are the local expression of a national network of women in mission and in action.

All Means All:
LGBTQ+ Inclusion
At First UMC, we welcome all in a spirit of radical hospitality. Our ministry invites all to participate fully in the life of our church regardless of age, race, ethnic background, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical or mental condition, marital status, family situation, or economic standing, or citizenship status. Our church is a proud member of the Reconciling Ministry Network.