Sanctuary Worship Video

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Sunday, July 21, 2024

“A Little Bit of Salt Goes a Long Way”

Scripture: Matthew 5:1-13

Jesus’ Beatitudes may seem rather tame or innocuous to us given we’ve heard them so many times; such repetitious hearing can have the unintended effect of stripping the Beatitudes of their “oomph” or “pizzazz” with which Jesus’ 1st-century audience would have received them. The Beatitudes’ prophetic words serve as a shocking reversal of the expected Greco-Roman norms of the time (also, of ours today!). They clarify for us where God is at work around us here and now, in the past, and in the days ahead. They also mobilize us as a church for acts of ministry that touch the lives of those in need, even if doing so is costly to us and/or threatens our reputation with others (a real issue in Jesus’ time and for the early Church). If you like to cook, then this sermon is for you as we’ll be talking a lot about salt, spices, and how to draw out rich flavors from a dish (Hint: it’s all a metaphor for serving!). Blessings to you all.

~ Pastor Scott

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Celebration of Life Service:
George Shewfelt